Присвяченний післявоєнній відбудові України
Етапи проведення хакатону?
Відбір заявок. Підтвердження та публічне оголошення 20 команд учасників.
27 лютий 2023 р.
Письмові відповіді на всі запитання, які виникли під час онлайн-презентації, будуть опубліковані та розміщені на Офіційному сайті
01 марш 2023 р.
Онлайн-подача своїх робіт командами Хакатону з 05.03.2023 до 16:00 за київським часом
Список 5 найкращих команд хакатону буде опубліковано на офіційному веб-сайті
06 марш 2023 р.
Оголошення 5 команд переможців Хакатону
10 марш 2023 до 20:00
Команди-переможці з 1 по 5 місце будуть опубліковані на Офіційному сайті
10 марш 2023 р.
Онлайн-презентація організаторів хакатону. Знайомство та оголошення концепції заходу. Запитання-відповіді (українською мовою).
28 лютий 2023 року
Проведення Хакатону з 03.03.2023 до 05.03.2023 включно. Команди можуть ставити запитання організаторам/наставникам віртуально та/або презентувати певний прогрес своєї роботи (якщо вони цього бажають) онлайн через Microsoft Teams
Онлайн-презентація рішень участниками Хакатону 05.03.2023, з 16:05 до 17:30
Друга онлайн-презентація 5 найкращих команд хакатону
10 марш 2023 р. з 16:00 до 17:00
Переможці хакатону отримають свої фінансові винагороди через PayPal
10 марш 2023 р.
Усі рішення будуть опубліковані на офіційному сайті (квітень 2023 р.)
Анонс наступного конкурсу REBUILD UKRAINE HACKATHON та дати проведення (може 2023)
1. DEFINITION OF TERMS 1.1. The Hackathon is the "SHEBUILDS UKRAINE HACKATHON", that is part of the "REBUILD UKRAINE HACKATHON." 1.2. The Organizers are WZMH Architects, Sparkbird, and UA IT Hub. Special thanks to our partners and sponsors, including the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada. 1.3. The Jury is a team of specialists formed by the Organizers who will choose the winners of the Hackathon from among the Participants through a closed vote. 1.4. Mentors are a team of specialists formed by the Organizers who will advise the Hackathon teams. 1.5. The Official Website is the official website of the Hackathon, located at the following link: http://rebuilduahackathon.com 1.6. Participant is a Hackathon participant. 1.7. Rules — rules of participation in the Hackathon REBUILD UKRAINE HACKATHON. 2. GENERAL PROVISIONS 2.1. REBUILD UKRAINE HACKATHON is a competition to identify the best projects / technological solutions that combine architecture (buildings, city planning, etc.) and IT and software components. The Hackathon is aimed at specialists receiving an education in architecture, urban planning, interior design, IT (information technology), software engineering/programming, and machine learning. 2.2. The goal and objectives of the Hackathon: 2.2.1. Search for new technologies in the fields of architecture and IT. Combine the architectural and software expertise of Ukrainian students to offer innovative approaches to designing and rebuilding Ukraine using IoT solutions 2.2.2. Improving the image of the Organizers' brands. 2.3. Information about the Organizers: "WZMH Architects" Legal Address: 95 St Clair Avenue West Suite 1500, Toronto, ON Canada M4V 1N6 This event was made possible by the financial support of WZMH Architects and Sparkbird. 2.4. The period of the Hackathon is from March 03, 2023, to March 06, 2023, inclusive. 2.5. The number of Hackathon winners and the procedure for determining them is specified in the relevant sections of these Rules. 2.6. Information about the Hackathon, as well as any changes to the terms of the Hackathon, is posted on the Official Website. 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR HACKATHON PARTICIPANTS 3.1. A participant can be any natural person who has reached 18 (eighteen) years of age or a natural person-entrepreneur. 4. PROCEDURE FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE HACKATHON 4.1. An individual is considered a Participant after successfully registering to participate in the Hackathon through the application collection form, the address of which will be indicated on the Official Website by 23:59 on February 27, 2023, inclusive. 4.2. Participants are not allowed to participate in the Hackathon alone, only with their teams. Each team member must be registered as a Participant through the form specified by the Organizers. The number of Participants in one team is limited - no less than 4 and no more than 8 people. 4.3. Participation in the Hackathon is free. 4.4. One Participant has the right to present only one project / technological solution to the Jury during the final stage of the Hackathon. 4.5. Registration of individuals as Hackathon Participants ends at 23:59 on February 24, 2023. 4.6. The finals of the Hackathon will be held online, and will be notified to Finalists by sending an email to the email address provided during registration. 4.7. The final stage of the Hackathon is held online. Cases when the Participant cannot be present online for good reasons, can be considered individually at the discretion of the Organizers. 4.8. One person can register to participate in the Hackathon only once. Multiple registrations of accounts (user accounts) by one Participant and using other people's (including previously registered) accounts are prohibited. The Participant assures and guarantees the truthfulness and accuracy of all data he provided to the Organizers. If at any stage of the Hackathon (including during the awarding of prizes to winners) the fact of entering false data or the use of accounts belonging to other persons by the Participant is detected, the Organizers have the right to cancel the Participant's registration (delete the account) and deny such Participant issuing gifts and/or rewards. 4.9. All Participants are responsible for all expenses incurred by them in connection with participation in the Hackathon. 5. REQUIREMENTS FOR IDEAS / PROJECTS / TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS 5.1. The projects / technological solutions that the Participants will present for consideration by the Jury must meet the following criteria: 5.1.1. Relevance of the decision: your decision should be relevant to society. 5.1.2. innovativeness of the solution: how new the solution is on the market. 5.1.3. Presentation of the idea: speech up to 3 minutes and 5 minutes of answering questions, the visual design of the presentation. 5.1.4. The ability to implement an idea: the presence of a strong team or a clear implementation plan. 5.1.5. Possibility of commercialization of the solution: whether the solution can be used in the commercial/public sector in the future. 5.1.6. A truly 'Made in Ukraine' concept. 5.2. The Organizers, at their discretion, have the right to disqualify projects / technological solutions in case of non-compliance with the criteria specified in clause 5.1. of these Rules. Also, the Organizers have the right to exclude from participation in the Hackathon projects / technological solutions that contradict generally accepted moral and cultural values, contain content of a sexual or pornographic nature, incite racial, ethnic, religious, or other enmities, contradict the current legislation of Ukraine, etc. 5.3. The Organizers reserve the right at any time to exclude from participation in the Hackathon materials for which the Organizers of the Hackathon have received claims from third parties about the violation of their copyright and/or other rights. The Organizers have the right to exclude such materials from participation in the Hackathon without prior notification of the Hackathon Participant and verify the plausibility of the received data on the violation of copyright and/or other rights of third parties. In the event that any solution to the task presented during participation in the Hackathon violates the rights of third parties, the Participant undertakes to settle all claims of such third parties presented to the Organizers at his own expense. The Participant undertakes to compensate the Organizers for all damages and expenses related to such violation or alleged violation, which the Organizers had to incur, as well as to release the Organizers from any claims, judicial and extrajudicial, related to the said violation. 6. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 6.1. The Organizers confirm and guarantee that the intellectual property rights to the materials created by the Participants as a result of their participation in the Hackathon will belong only to the Participants. 7. PERSONAL INFORMATION 7.1. When registering to participate in the Hackathon, the Participant gives the Hackathon Organizers their consent to the processing of personal information provided during registration and/or later during the Hackathon, including surname, first name, patronymic, place of work or study, position, contact number, and email addresses, for the purposes of organizing and conducting the Hackathon, in particular for the transfer of personal data to the Organizers of the Hackathon and persons affiliated with them, as well as, in the event that the Participant is selected as the winner of the Hackathon, the publication of his last name, first name, and patronymic, other data provided by the Participant on Official website. 7.2. Subjects of personal data enjoy the rights provided for in Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" dated June 1, 2010. 7.3. By registering to participate in the Hackathon, the Participant gives his consent to the photo and filming of his participation and further publication of these materials on the Internet. The Hackathon is a public event, so if the Participant wants to avoid being present at the visual materials, he must notify the Organizers in advance. In this case, the Organizers have the right, at their discretion, to deny the Participant participation in the Hackathon. 8. LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION 8.1. All disputes related to the Hackathon are resolved through negotiations between the Organizers and the Participant and are governed by the laws of Ukraine. All Participants acknowledge the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Ukraine for all disputes related to the Hackathon. 9. OTHER TERMS 9.1. When registering to participate in the Hackathon, the Participant agrees to the terms of these Rules and undertakes to comply with them. Failure to comply with the terms of these Rules is grounds for disqualification of the Participant at any stage of the Hackathon. 9.2. The Organizers may, at their discretion, make any changes and/or additions to these Rules in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine. 9.3. These Rules, as well as changes to them, enter into force from the moment they are posted on the Official Website. 9.4. The procedure for carrying out other procedures, which are not established by these Rules, is established by other local documents of the Organizers or by making operational decisions during the Hackathon, taking into account the principles of expediency, fairness, and reasonableness. 9.5. The Organizers are not responsible in the event of force majeure, such as natural disasters, fire, flood, military actions of any nature, civil unrest, significant changes in legislation, or other circumstances beyond the control of the Organizers. 9.6. If any provision of these Rules is declared invalid, all other provisions shall remain in force. 10. REWARDS 10.1. The $5000 CAD prize will be distributed as follows: 1st place: $2000 CAD 2nd place: $1200 CAD 3rd place: $800 CAN 4th place: $500 CAN 5th place: $500 CAN 10.2. The prizes and distribution is inclusive of any service charges and exchange rates provided by PayPal and WZMH Architects reserves the right to adjust the prize money based on the results of the top 5 submissions. 11. CONTACT INFORMATION 11.1. Official Website: http://rebuilduahackathon.com 11.2. Please send general inquiries to: ebodak@wzmh.com